
Thursday, March 20, 2008


I am hoping for a really good weigh in this week. I have stayed on track all week and even started to exercise. Dedication is key and without it I will not accomplish my goals. I started putting my stationary bike to use again, for something other that a clothes rack. Every day I have rode it. I started with 15 minutes on Monday and have added 5 minutes everyday. Lat night was 25 minutes and it was the first day my legs didn't feel so much like jello when I got off. My goal is to ride it for an hour a day until the weather warms up and stays pretty consistent, then I will walk instead.

My job has a walking program, you can earn up to $500.00 from April to October, $1.00 a mile. You actually receive gift card to Dick's Sporting Goods. I think maybe I will jump in on that one this year. We'll see, I would have to do it after work in the summer because walking in the heat during work hours just isn't my thing! But during the Spring, no problem!

1 Nibbles & Sips:

Cliff said...

Now that's an idea. I have got to get my exercise bike out from all the junk in my garage, maybe clean the garage.

BTW, I went to the doctor this past Monday and my blood pressure, glucose and weight showed that stresses have taken their toll. Liquid has decided to be my online coach as far as keeping me in line.

I will let you know my progress as I will keep constant tabs on each.