Be aware of what you eat: Know what you are eating
Balanced Diet: Choose a variety of foods from fruit, veggies, breads and cereals. Don't forget your meat!
Monitor Snaking: Cut back on snacks in between meals
Eating Away From Home: Choose low calorie foods; salad, fruit
Think More and Not Less For Success: Create activity to your daily routine and you could burn an extra 300 calories.
Continous Motion is Required for Endurance: Try to find ways to get 30 minutes of movement per day in 5 minute increments.
Resistance or Overload is Required For Maintenence: Look ofr ways to push, pull, lift and move things that will exercise the large muscles in your legs
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Tips For Staying Healthy
Entered By Diamond at 4:30 PM 2 Nibbles & Sips
I Need Lessons From Her!
***Dammit..the video isn't showing up!**
So I was checking out my email this morning and a friend of mine send me one of the joke type emails. The title, Husband got you angry ?, so of course I open the email and there is some text and a video. The text says"When your husband does something that makes you angry don't give in to the temptation to argue and fight. Just count to ten, remain calm and after he goes to bed, super-glue his flip flops to the floor."
Click the link below to see the video:
thisisfr.gif - Gmail
I just about fell off my chair! Who is this woman and where can I meet up with her for some lessons. I certainly hope those shoes were not those expensive Dansko shoes ! I love the creative type people and at times wish I was witty like that. I am the type of person that comes up with a snarky idea or comment hours after the argument is over!
Entered By Diamond at 5:45 AM 1 Nibbles & Sips