Well today is another weigh in day! Time to get back on the scale to see if there has been any progress! I think I did ok..although I did eat out on Thursday, I hade Long John Silver's. You think fried fish is ok?! LOL..It was only one baadd meal and I did make sure I walked that night, last night and I took a walk this morning as well! We'll see!
After my weigh in I need to go look for some cat furniture , my cat's think my new furniture is their personal jungle gym! I think not! After that, I have some party planning to do for my not so little boy's 13th birthday party. His birthday is actually tomorrow, but his party will be a week from today.
My mom started this weird b-day tradition. She was born on Feb. 5th, I was born on Feb. 5th and my son was expected to be born on Feb. 5th but he decided being in my belly was a much better place. So he made his arrival on Feb 10th. Feb. 10th just happens to be my parent's Wedding Anniversary!
Oh well..all family traditions can't be the same!
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Did I Lose?
Entered By Diamond at 7:57 AM 2 Nibbles & Sips
weight watcher's
Worried About Your Identity?
I know this doesn't fall with my usual health topics, but I still think it is worth posting about.
I was surfing the internet this morning I found a site called Lifelock. Curious enough name, but it pretty much says a lot, automatically makes you think that it is protection of some sort. Lifelock is actually a company that helps you protect your good name and credit. (See, I told you it was important and worth the post!)
Our credit is one of the most important things that we need to protect, besides our family of course. In this day and age you can't be to sure who is picking through your trash or trying to get personal information about you via the internet, phone scams or one of the other countless ways there are to scam the American consumer into unknowingly giving out personal information.
Lifelock is so confident that your credit will not be compromised that they have backed this statement with a $1 million guarentee! That means if some one does happen to steal your identity, they will do what it takes, lawyers, investigators, case managers, they will spend up to $1 million dollars to get your good name back! If that is not a guarantee, I don't know what is!
So if you or someone you know is interested in protecting their identity and credit, check out Lifelock. What do you have to lose, besides your good name!
Entered By Diamond at 5:22 AM 1 Nibbles & Sips
Friday, February 08, 2008
Post Workout Foods
Ok, so you have just finished working out and now you need to refuel yout body. So what are you going to eat? A piece of fruit, a hunk of meat, a bag of chips? I was just kidding about the chips you know!
Try one of these
- A nonfat latte
- Bowl of wholegrain cereal
- Indian take out
Click here to find out why!
Entered By Diamond at 10:33 AM 1 Nibbles & Sips
postwork out food
Saving Our Environment
Do you worry about the environment? I do, I can't say that I am a die hard activist. I do my share and I know there is probably more I could do, more we could all do! I defiantly think using eco products is a good start. You can find alot of eco products by clicking the link...hint, hint! I personally use reusable shopping bags and thought it was one of the best things to come along, I know sounds nuts! But I am not a fan of cutting down trees to make paper and plastic bags are just plain unnecassary! This website actually has a set of 5 reusable shopping bags and a carry case to keep them. I thought they were adorable and just purchased a set for myself!
Here is a small fact for you..One reusable bag replace 1000 of those plastic bags that most people just throw away anyhow!
They also offer products for every need you may have, from furniture to gadgets and much more. They also have a learning center if you want to learn more about going green. Learn how to recycle at home or on your job. There is so much at the Learning Center that I couldn't possibly tell you about it all. Just maybe if we read some of the articles, we can start taking some of the information and slowly apply it to our everyday lives.
Entered By Diamond at 9:45 AM 4 Nibbles & Sips
eco friendly,
eco products,
saving environment
Unhappy With The Girls?
Many of us these days are worried about body image and with the way they promote "skinny" and look down on "obese", why wouldn't we be worried about the way we look. To much emphasis on looks and not enough about whom we truly are as people and individuals.
I think many women are self-conscious about their breast size. Women with naturally large breasts wish they were smaller, those who have smaller breasts, wish they were bigger. Sorry ladies, unfortunately they have not come out with a magic pill or cream to make your girls smaller, wouldn't that be nice!
So I have read, there are all sorts of magic ways to make them bigger! I was reading a site that has alot of information on Breast Enhancement. The site's goal is to promote breast enhancement without going for surgery. The goal, to find more natural ways to increase the size of your girls and to help you make an informative choice. As I looked around they seem to have covered everything from Breast Enhancement Creams , breast enhancement gums and Breast Enhancement Pills. The gum was what threw me for a loop! who would have thought chewing gum would be the way to get bigger breast's! I personally cannot tell you that any of these products actually work, you need to make your own informed judgment. You should also check with your doctor and get his or her opinion on the product you would like to try. It is better to be safe than sorry!
They thing I love best about this site is that they discuss the importance of a self breast exam. This is something that every woman should learn to do and do it on a monthly basis. It is very important to your health. And remember, if you feel something that is not quite right, be sure to call your doctor ASAP.
Entered By Diamond at 6:07 AM 0 Nibbles & Sips
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week
February 7th to February 14th.
Congenital heart defects affect several thousand new born babies every year. Sadly, many of these babies will not make it into adulthood due to the lack of donor hearts, unsuccessful medical treatment or late detection of the defect.
If you would like to learn more, please check out these sites that I have found.
Midwest Heart Connection
American Heart Association
Entered By Diamond at 1:18 PM 0 Nibbles & Sips
Congenital heart defects
Have you ever found a site or a blog that just makes you scratch your head and wonder, what the heck?! I found one of those just the other day. This site is apparently a plug for Pfizer, at first I thought I was going to read stories about men who would want to share their viagra real people's experiences. We all know what viagra cures, so there really is no need to go in-depth about it. When I actually read the post's, all six of them, it was basically a plug to buy viagra . All the post's where entered on the sameday and basically shared very little.
Needless to say. I was a little disappointed, I was hoping to share a site with you about what could happen if you purchases black market or fake viagra. It really didn't turn out the way I had hoped. Oh well, better luck next time.
Entered By Diamond at 12:43 PM 1 Nibbles & Sips
Sensible Observations
When I die, I want to die like my grandfather--who died peacefully in
his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car."
--Author Unknown
Advice for the day: If you have a lot of tension and you get a
headache, do what it says on the aspirin bottle: "Take two aspirin"
and "Keep away from children."
--Author Unknown
I wish keeping way from the kids was that easy, I have one and sometimes I feel like I have 3!He is always on the go with enough energy for 5 of us.
Entered By Diamond at 10:57 AM 1 Nibbles & Sips
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Is Yoga Your Exercise Of Choice?
If so, I would imagines that you would want to wear the most comfortable clothing possible. I found this site that offers women and mens yoga clothes. During the month of February they are offering free shipping on orders over $99.00 and orders over $150.00 will receive free shipping and additional five dollars off the order. You can also get gift certificates for your loved one who is into yoga, that way they can choose what they like and there will never be any doubt that you got the wrong thing. What a great way to show that person you are supporting their efforts to being healthy.
Entered By Diamond at 2:43 PM 0 Nibbles & Sips
Let's Make Life Simple
Does your life feel cluttered? Papers and bills piled up all over the place? Are there things that could be more organized but aren't?
If you work in a cluttered work area you could spend up to a half an hour a day looking or things, ultimatley wasting time. Time that adds up to a month and a half of lost time over the course of a year! Check out these tips to help get better organized and clear out clutter.
- Subscribed to any magazines? How many do you actually read? Cancel the ones you don't read or read thoroughly. Saves clutter and money!
- Paying bills - Set up automatic payments. I am a big believer in that and my bills are never late!
- Saying no is okay. If there is something you just don't have the time to do, don't feel obligated to do it.
- Clean out your wallet or purse. If you have credit cards and don't use them, take them out. Get rid of any other items you don't use as well.
- If you have debt, consolidate it. One convenient payment is much better than making several payments to different companies. Saves time and money.
Entered By Diamond at 9:35 AM 0 Nibbles & Sips
Thanks and Awards Too
Yesterday was my birthday and several people came over to A Day In The Zone to wish me a Happy Birthday. Thank you very much, you have all touched my heart!
Cliff was the ring leader, he posted on his blog about my special day and I just wanted to say, that it is one of the sweetest things that someone could have done. Thanks Cliff! You really are a sweet person and for being who you are I have this for you....................
For those of you who came over to wish me a Happy Birthday, I have this for you. Thanks again, I never expected to see so many Birthday wishes.
Liquid, Chelle, Struke, Warren, Kasper794 and Amias
Entered By Diamond at 5:55 AM 6 Nibbles & Sips
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Food, Give Me Food!
I woke up this morning hungry and when I say hungry, I mean hungry! It is very odd cause I usually don't wake up feeling that way. So I drank some water and coffee but the feeling never went away. I made some egg whites and cheese, still I feel hungry! Geez, what is the deal?
Things have been a little stressful lately. My son's father decided that he wants to be in his life again. It has only been almost 4 years. My new boss, well let's just say I can't stand him, I have a birthday party to plan for my son he will be 13 on Sunday, my husband is an ass and today is the day I offically turn 32! Ugh, what else will the day bring?!
Not what mine looked like..I just had whites!
Entered By Diamond at 5:25 AM 4 Nibbles & Sips
Monday, February 04, 2008
What To Buy!
Income tax season is here and I usually don't spend my refund on myself. But this year, I am going to! I really need to do something for myself. I know, it very sounds selfish of me, but I have spent so much time putting others first and I am way over due to do something nice for myself. One other thing, if you do your taxes yourself, checkout TurboTax's offer, you might like it!
I would really like a treadmill or maybe even an elliptical machine. They are more expensive than my budget allows me to go and spend. Since I try to be a thrifty shopper using coupons and deals, I think CouponChief.com is going to be a big help. Sears has agreat deal right now with saving of $200-$600 dollars on specific equipment. Even Kmart has coupon codes that can be used for exercise equipment.
I would also like to get some new clothes, but I think I would prefer to wait until all the clothes I already have don't fit anymore. I am aiming for too big! Even though I have found some great ways to save money with CouponChief.com, I think I will squirrel away some money for new clothes. I think the only thing I have a need for are clothes to work out in. Sports Authority is great for sneakers and clothing, I usually find what ever my family needs there.
Entered By Diamond at 5:32 AM 0 Nibbles & Sips
Biggest Upset Of The Year
So the Super Bowl ended with the biggest upset of the year! Those who bet against the Patriots probably made alot money and those who bet against the Giants are probably wanting to stab thenselves in the eye with a pencil right now! I can only imaging what the current state of all these hard-core betters are in right now. They will all be waking up in their Vegas hotels soon, either broke or feeling pretty damn good!
Entered By Diamond at 5:17 AM 0 Nibbles & Sips
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Super Bowl Sunday
The day every diehard football fan looks forward to has finally arrived!! We are going to go to a friend's house for a Super Bowl Party, which means...my worst nightmare has arrived!
First off, I don't like football. My husband does, I'll stick with the commercials.
Secondly, the couple's house we are going to, they make some kick ass food! They are Hispanic and Irma, well she makes some of the best rice and beans I have ever had in my entire life! It's my weakness. That is all I need to eat while I am there and usually that is all I eat. Plates of it.
This time will be different though, I will have to proceed with caution and show some restraint. It will be hard, but I know it can be done!
Entered By Diamond at 8:09 AM 0 Nibbles & Sips
Yesterday's way in was much better than I expected... Another 3.8 pounds lost! I almost fell over when she showed me the chart. With the good news always comes some bad news. I guess I lose a point for my daily food points total. I am totally cool with that, maybe others aren't, but I am! It shows progress and there is nothing better than that!
Entered By Diamond at 7:57 AM 0 Nibbles & Sips
weigh in,
weight watcher's