
Tuesday, February 05, 2008

We All Need Cake For Our B-Day

Here's mine...LOL

6 Nibbles & Sips:

Liquid said...

May I be the server?
One for you.....
One for me.....
One for you....
One for me!

Have a great one, Diamond!

Chelle said...

directed her through Liquid's blog....wishing you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! I am taking on a weight-loss/exercise challenge. I am 37 years old and have never run a half-marathon. I think I'm in pretty good shape. The marathon is in mid-May in Cleveland. I have been running almost everyday. It's tougher mentally than it is physically. Last Saturday, I ran 90 minutes on an indoor track and felt pretty good afterwards.

Pilgrim said...

Happy Birthday Diamond.

Michelle said...

Happy Birthday Diamond!!!

Diamond said...

Thank you all very much!