Your Clothes....
What?!? Your clothes, what the matter with them? Wearing over sized or clothing that does not show your figure can actually not show you when and where you may be gaining weight. Clothes that are to big and comfy, I love them too, don't get tight or uncomfortable.
What To Do...
Put on a pair of jeans that fit and keep tabs on the rear-end. They say jeans don't lie! Try to wear them on the weekend when you maybe apt to eat more. Remember, once you drop a size, give them a away, don't keep the "fat clothes" to fall back on.
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Diet Mishaps - #7
Entered By Diamond at 8:18 PM 1 Nibbles & Sips
diet mishaps
Diet Mishaps - #1
You go to the grocery store on the fly! Don't do it and as I have said before and can not stress enough, DON"T GO WHILE HUNGRY. Try the new thing in shopping, try it online. A study from the University of Connecticut at Storrs found that dieter who shopped online bought fewer high-fat foods. They also found that people tend to stick to their list.
If you don't have the option of shopping online and having your groceries delivered or to pick them up at the store, try to stick to the perimeter of the grocery store. Also, try to stick to your list, I know it is hard and I find myself straying from the list for that bag of cookies that is just screaming my name! Do your best and don't beat yourself up if you do stray...
Entered By Diamond at 7:31 PM 0 Nibbles & Sips
diet mishaps,
grocery shopping
Friday, March 07, 2008
My Twitching Eyelid.
I am sitting here at my computer checking out a site that sells Orovo products and my eyelid starts to twitch. This twitching started Monday and has not stopped since. It doesn't happen all day but at the rate of 10 to 15 times per day, it is very annoying to say the least.
The twitch trigger is stress, Monday my son had a very bad day in school. Tuesday was about the same and even thought the rest of the week has been good, it still has not stopped. Maybe there is something stressing me out besides my son, oh I know what it is, my job! That is truly a story for another day. My position at work leaves little space for friend making, although I am not there to make friends, it still leaves room for everybody to hate you! Bad mouth you, swear at you, argue with you, and the list could go on.
Company: M*** Metallurgical Corp.
Position: Quality Coordinator
Job Description: To make sure corner cutting management is not allowing bad product leave the plant. To be sure that all the newbies and oldies are following ISO procedures and are making quality products. I will review your work anytime I feel like it and I will find your errors if they are there. I will also review all job paperwork before I certify the job and it is not my fault the Process Engineer failed to read the customer's drawing correctly and put the wrong information on the routing. I will not argue with you and if you so choose to argue with me about my decision we will skip taking it to the Manager of Quality and Product Inspection because he has no back bone and wants to be friends with everyone. We can go straight to the Director of Quality and take your issues with me and my decision to him. Oh don't want to go there? Why not, because he will tell you the same thing I did, just not as nicely.
There goes the eyelid again!!
Entered By Diamond at 5:12 AM 2 Nibbles & Sips
Thursday, March 06, 2008
I'm Going To Rock The Scale
I have been sooo good this week. I think good things are going to happen on Saturday! I am finally losing the junk food craving and I love it. Junk food has been my best friend for a long time! I can say that my weight gain is not due to how much I eat, it has to do with what I like to eat! Don't get me wrong, I love fruits and veggies, but like alot of people I also LOVE junk food! So here to one awesome far!
Well I am off for now, I have to find a sleep wedge for my husband. He has acid reflux and the doctor recommended them. So I should get that ordered as soon as possible, so he and I can both get a decent nights sleep.
Entered By Diamond at 12:33 PM 0 Nibbles & Sips
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
My landlord is coming over this weekend and is replaceing the bathroom vanities! I love new stuff, even if it isn't really mine. There is nothing wrong with the ones we already have but I am certainly not complaining at all! I wish he would replace the tub too! It has those sliding doors and they are such a pain. I have to clean the tracks twice a week to keep the water scuzz from happening. Maybe that will be his next project who knows!
I updated the health observances for the month of March, check them out over to the left.------>
Lot's going on, I have a contest to plan and I have one, maybe two people who want to join. I hope more of you decided to join in. Details to come this weekend.
Entered By Diamond at 12:11 PM 1 Nibbles & Sips
Monday, March 03, 2008
My Weigh In, Ugh
Saturday's weigh in wasn't what I thought it would be, then again why should of it been. I did my version of Weight Watcher's last week and it didn't really pay off! I lost did have a loss of .6, but I certainly wasn't happy with that. It was certainly a smack in the head that says "Wake up dummy, you aren't going to lose weight doing it your way!" So I have decided cutting corner's just is not going to happen, time to put my nose to the grind and do the plan as it was designed.
As for the contest, I decided a few things that will be announced later this week. I spent a lot of time thinking how long it should be. I thought at first maybe the entire season of Spring but that just seems to long. I want it to be an attainable goal. So it will run for 6 weeks, starting the first day of Spring. I don't want to have to get the guys from the New York Moving Company to keep everyone motivated!
Well, more to come!!
Entered By Diamond at 5:12 AM 5 Nibbles & Sips
weight watcher's