
Sunday, November 30, 2008

Food and Thanksgiving

I trust that everyone has a awesome Thanksgiving? Mine was good, to much food but most of the time that is how it is anyways! So every year I try to take the approach that I will not eat too much and it never works, I am not sure if it is lack of will power or what, I think it could be all the good food that is around. My other down fall...sweets. I love cake, pie, brownies, simply anything sweet and tasty. The way I looked at it this year was that I was going to TRY not to go overboard but since I have been going to the gym I was not going to deprive myself either. Is it a good strategy? I do not know, but I sure sounds good! Now that Thanksgiving is over, I can go back to my normal course of eating and the gym. The gym has really been better than any diet I have ever tried, I guess I will never have to worry about trying things like Orovo. I have found my weight loss secret!

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