
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Brown Bagging It?

It's Sunday night and you're once again rummaging through a cluttered refrigerator looking for something appetizing to pack in tomorrow's work and school lunches. Or worse, it's Monday morning, and you're grabbing whatever you can find--often predictable and boring, and not necessarily nutritious.

If this sounds like you, perk up! With just a bit of planning, you can pack a lunch with both nutrition and pizzazz. Try these tips to make your family's lunches-to-go filling and fun:

Pick a variety of foods. Include items with fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and crackers. Try to incorporate foods from at least three of the four major food groups: dairy, protein, fruits and vegetables, and bread and grains.

Choose healthier alternatives as much as possible. Go for less processed foods, which are lower in sodium, fat, and sugar. For example, a fresh apple is better than apple juice or apple pie; a turkey sandwich is leaner than a high-fat, bologna sandwich. When choosing chips or other salty snacks, select baked rather than fried.

Pamper your taste buds. If the thought of plain produce makes you cringe, try pairing raw vegetables or fresh fruits with yogurt or low-fat ranch dip, cream cheese, or peanut butter. Follow these tips and you will never have to worry about wanting to use discount diet pills.

2 Nibbles & Sips:

Anonymous said...

This is an important reminder after all that Thanksgiving eating. I'll pack a healthy lunch for everyone this week to make up for it.

Nessa said...

Thanks for the tips. It's hard to find healthy snacks in the supermarket other than fruits and veges. But then, my son eats everything!