
Friday, January 04, 2008

Commercial Break

This morning I was looking at the different checking accounts that WaMu Bank has to offer. I have an account already, but a switch in banks could be possible. They offer two accounts, like most banks they have the Free Checking and then they have an interest bearing account, Platinum Checking. What I find interesting is the comparison charts they have that shows consumers the differences in the accounts. They are somewhat similar, except for a few options, the minimum to enroll and the minimum daily balance. Minimum balance for Free Checking: n/a, I guess that is equivalent to! Here is the kicker, the daily minimum balance for the Platinum Checking.................$10,000.00 . Are you freakin kidding me, if I had that much money just sitting in an account I would be thrilled! That daily balance sounds a bit ridiculous to me, but who am I? I think Free Checking would be the choice for me!!!

Ok..back to my regular scheduled program!

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