
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Feeling Better

I am feeling much better, thanks to all of you have wished me well. That was a nasty bug and I am sure glad it is gone.

Let's talk about many times have you failed at losing weight? Well I know I have failed countless times, to many to even want to mention. How can we over come those failures and keep them from happening again? Live, learn AND improve! Keep a journal and reflect on the past, take a look at what was going on the last time you gave up on weight loss or any other goal in general and apply that to the next situation. Remember, you are not a failure, your not perfect and we all make mistakes. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and give it another try!

4 Nibbles & Sips:

Cliff said...

In the immortal words of Richard Simmons: It's okay to fall off the wagon; Just don't eat the wagon.

With the stresses I've been going through lately, I've done pretty crappy myself as far as weight loss is concerned. I can't wait until warm weather and longer days come. then I can blow off steam by walking or bike riding.

Linda Jones Malonson said...

I lost 10 lbs last month, and I don't see it, so I went off my diet. I feel like a failure all the time, as frustration knocks me off my mark. Thanks for the reminder.

Liquid said...

I like the idea of journaling and reflecting.


"Winners never quit and Quitters never win", right?


Pilgrim said...

Attitude is 90% of the battle.

Rome wasn't built in a day and they're still paving the streets.