
Sunday, September 21, 2008

Water & Exercise

So yesterday was sort of a dull day. Zach and I went to the store to find the acne treatment he wanted. Well it is more of a face wash but at least he is now happy. Other than that I went to the gym for an hour and I read about the benefits of proper hydration during exercise.

I'll give you the short version!

You should drink 8-16 oz of water 2 hours before exercise to make sure you are properly hydrated and another4-8 oz right before you begin.

Drink 4-8 oz of water every 20 minutes while you are exercising. You need to make sure that you are replenishing the water that your body is sweating out.

After exercise you need to drink enough water to replace the fluids that you lost during your workout. Easy way to figure out how much water you will need is to weigh yourself before you exercise and again after. The for every pound you lost while doing your routine you will drink 2 cups of water.

1 Nibbles & Sips:

Liquid said...

I just love having your Entrecard on my site. Please drop on me regularly so it can continue to be inline for advertisment!

Have a beautiful Sunday.

Your Ecard is running now, on my blog!

Love ya!