
Thursday, January 17, 2008

Acne, No One Should Have To Suffer

We have all at some point have known someone, seen someone or personally have suffered from acne. Acne is something I have never had to deal with but I have had friends who suffer from it and it sure isn't fun. Acne can defiantly take a toll on a person's self esteem. An individual who suffers with acne can be angry, feel ugly, dirty or even become depressed. That really is no way to live!

I am sure we have all seen the infomercials for proactiv. Miss Jessica Simpson is a big promoter of the acne treatment. If you know someone or you personally suffer from acne, why not give proactiv a try? The offer a money back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied after 60 days.

Here are some acne prevention tips.

  • Don't over wash, acne is not caused by dirt.
  • Skip harsh scrubs
  • Don't use and alcohol based face wash.
  • DON'T pick or squeeze your blemish's.

Those are just a few tips, if you would like to see more click the proactiv link and check out the site. There are alot of tips and ideas that you or a loved one may find helpful.

0 Nibbles & Sips: