
Monday, September 29, 2008

Bigger Muscles

I have discussed diet pills before but I have never asked about or talked about bodybuilding supplements. Seeing as I don't know very much about them I decided to do a little reading. And like diet pills, there sure are a lot of bodybuilding supplements! I noticed that there were a lot of articles about Creatine and of all the supplements, is the safest. Don't get mad at me if I am wrong!
There were also plenty they claim you should stay away from as well. Such as HGH, Anabolic Steroids, Prohormones and GABA just to name a few.

What I really want to know is if you or someone you know have taken bodybuilding supplements. If so, did they work, any side effect, where they legal or illegal? What ever you want to share.

1 Nibbles & Sips:

Pilgrim said...

Hi Diamond, I was on Whey Protein for the longest time when I got back to working out 4 years ago. I noticed some gains. Then I stopped. And I notice the same gains. As far a Creatine, I was warned to stay off of it by my docotor as it's hard on the kidney's. Essentially it fills your muscles with water, makng them appear bigger and apparetnly will give you added strength, enabling you to grow. Once off the cycle you will lose some mass but hopefully will have retained some of the growth. I'm not sure it's worth the risks though.