
Sunday, September 28, 2008

Banks - What's the deal?

It is pretty scary to me what is going in with these banks. I often wonder if my money is safe, what will happen if I can't get to my money? What I find even stranger is the fact that my parents ban has been calling them and trying to convince them to invest their money. (They just sold there house a month ago and the made a decent profit) I wonder why and my mom is saying "No way Jose!" They are not the type to be risky with their money especially in these days, they have invested, but never anything like online trading or at least not that I know of. So she is feeling pressured by her bank and she finally demanded that they stop calling her. Isn't that harassment? She is so uncomfortable about it that she said she is considering changing banks and quite honestly, I think I would too!

2 Nibbles & Sips:

Anonymous said...

Media hype. Now the American taxpayer is expected to bailout these big multi-nation billion dollar corporations. It is ridiculous that we are supposed to gamble our tax money because of excess of banks giving out loans to people who had no business getting them in the first place.

Liquid said...

Yep. This country and OUR banks better tighten up! It's not a long fall from where we are and everyone should become active in not allowing such ridiculous behavior!

Have a super day!