
Monday, June 30, 2008

Involve Others

People perform better when others are on their side helping out. Even in everyday nutrition and fitness, people who involve others and ask for help get much better results and stick to their programs longer than people who try to go the distance on their own.

Having other people help out just makes weight loss a heckuva lot more fun. Especially for social exercisers, trying to lose weight and exercise alone can leave you bored out of your mind.

* Ask a friend to check with you once a week to see how you’re doing.
* Ask your significant other to be there when you need to unload.
* Ask a co-worker to keep you upbeat.
* Ask your kids to help you find active ways to have fun.
* Ask your brother-in-law to pass along inspirational reading and interesting health news.
* Ask your photographer sister to take "before" and "in-progress" pictures.

Remember asking for help doesn't not make you weak or a failure. There is not other way to blast the weight off than good old exercise. There are no magic pills, 5 minute exercise routines or special air tools that will do the job for you!

5 Nibbles & Sips:

Cliff said...

It's always best if you can find someone who you can partner with, but make it someone who is able to be an encouragement to you and vice versa.

Fizzgig said...

I try to get people to work out with me then I get mad when they don't. It's always better with a friend. Sigh...

Anonymous said...

By your photo, it doesn't look like you need to lose. I find one of the biggest helpers, aside from having a helpful buddy, is to drink that 8 glasses a day - every day. Keep going, looks good

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Liquid said...


Missed you much!