
Saturday, June 28, 2008

I Had Better Get Them Now

My husband and I want to go on another cruise. We just haven't decided whether or not we are going to take the kids! I would like to but at the same time I also would not like to! Does that sound bad?? LOL

First things first, we each need a passport. In 2006 we didn't need one but I am pretty sure that we are going to need them now since all the laws and policies have changed since then. We don't need any drama trying to get on the boat. We haven't yet decided where we want to go, me personally, I would rather go to a resort. There is enough to do on a boat when you are out at sea but I would like to try something different. I hope my husband will be on the same wave length as me, he can be a baby when he doesn't get his way! LOL...I don't really want to hear him whine so a cruise it may be!

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