
Sunday, February 10, 2008

Any Loss Is A Good Loss

So yesterday at weigh in I lost 1 pound! Good enough for me, I figured my weight loss would slow down eventually. Can't have huge numbers every week! That now brings my total weight loss to just over 10 lbs. I'll take it!

Today is my sons birthday and he is offically a teenager! Later tonight we are going to celebrate at home with cake and his favorite meal, Chicken Parm and also today is the day my parents have been maried for 35 years. I wish they lived close enough to come and celebrate with us.

Happy Birthday Zachary, I love you lots!

2 Nibbles & Sips:

Liquid said...

Keep up the good work Diamond!


Anonymous said...

congrats to your parents AND you! :)
Also Happy Birthday Zachary...