
Wednesday, May 16, 2007

So Called Healthy Habits

On the front of this morning they have an article that I found interesting. The one one I found most interesting was about drinking 8 glasses of water a day.

They claim it is completely unnecessary! I try to drink 8 glasses of water, but it never happens. I find it interesting because all diets state that you need to drink plenty of water. So what's the deal with that? Do I, don't I...geez.

They say it can lead to water intoxication! What the hell is that??? It is caused when the kidneys can't keep up with the amount of fluids you intake.

So what does this mean to dieters? Does it help you lose weight? Who knows. even when I did drink plenty of water, I never attributed my weight loss to it. I would always lose the weight regardless of whether or not I drank water.

0 Nibbles & Sips: