
Friday, September 07, 2007


I have added this blog to Smorty. Wondering what or who Smorty is? Smorty is a site that bloggers join if they would like to get paid for blogging. You can write your opinion on products and websites that advertiser would like to advertise on blogs and or promote. You then are paid for that opinion once the advertiser has approved your post. That means you must follow certain criteria that has been set forth by the advertiser and Smorty’s rules.

My most favorite things about Smorty would have to be that I get paid to blog on a weekly basis. It is nice to know that you don’t have to wait forever to get paid for blogging. Smorty also has a set number of words you should type for each post. You are also allowed 3 full days to post you opinion once you have accepted a job. They really give you time to think about what you want to write.

So if you are interested in making a couple of extra bucks, go to

0 Nibbles & Sips: